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Features of Cloudpi

Cloud Cost Optimization

IT Visibility and Software Asset Management

Enhanced Collaboration and Cloud Governance

Real-Time Updates and Cloud Spend Efficiency

Cloud Cost Optimization

-The CloudPi Dashboard offers an extensive selection of customizable reports tailored to optimize cloud costs. From detailed insights into cost allocation and unit cost metrics to anomaly detection and FinOps enablement, our dashboard empowers you to make informed decisions for cost efficiency. 

-Easily access various report types through intuitive dropdown menus, ensuring you have the necessary data for effective cloud cost optimization. 

IT Visibility and Software Asset Management

-Refine your data visualization with advanced filters such as date ranges, services, and service groups. Our dashboard provides IT visibility into software asset management, allowing you to monitor and manage resources effectively. 

-Engage with interactive charts and graphs to gain insights into software asset utilization and governance, driving better decision-making and compliance. 

Enhanced Collaboration and Cloud Governance

-Foster collaboration and cloud governance by sharing and managing reports effortlessly. Whether downloading for offline analysis or emailing directly to stakeholders, CloudPi ensures critical information is accessible to everyone involved. 

-Access and review reports shared by team members, promoting transparency and collective responsibility in cloud governance. 

Real-Time Updates and Cloud Spend Efficiency

-Stay informed with real-time updates on cloud spend efficiency and cost optimization strategies. Our dashboard alerts you to critical information, enabling swift responses to changes and trends within your cloud infrastructure.

-The CloudPi Dashboard is more than just a monitoring tool—it's a comprehensive solution that enhances your ability to manage, analyze, and share critical cloud data efficiently.

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